
Cookie Dough Dessert – the healthy way to indulge

9. Februar 2017

My mother has always baked delicious cakes. Effortlessly, she created gorgeous pastries, cakes and desserts. As a child, I always hung around the kitchen, waiting to scrape the dough and batter rests from bowls and utensils. A healthier alternative is the cookie dough dessert that’s the latest craze in New York at the moment. This is a guilt-free indulgence: healthy, doesn’t contain refined sugar, and tastes amazing. Last Sunday, I even started my day with some cookie dough in bed – cloud nine!

How to make Cookie Dough Dessert at home

Ingredients for two servings

Two cups cooked garbanzo beans (if you’re short on time and can’t cook them yourself, buy the ones in the glas from the health food store)

1/3 cup coconut oil

½ cup rice syrup

1 tsp vanilla powder or extract (without sugar)

½ tsp salt

4 tsp coconut flour (available in health food stores)

½ cup vegan chocolate (I either use the homemade kind or the one from Lovechock which is also available in many health food stores)

Cookie Dough


Warm up the coconut oil until it’s liquid. Blend the garbanzo beans, rice syrup, vanilla, salt, coconut oil and coconut flour until creamy. If you have a high-powered blender, feel free to use, but be careful that the motor doesn’t burn out. When all ingredients are homogenously blended, chop the chocolate into small bits using a knife and stir into the ‘batter.’

Enjoy with apples, pears, crackers or simply with a spoon.




Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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