Essential Oils

Essential oils for more lightness and clarity in your life

17. Oktober 2017

I did a little poll a few days ago via Instagram stories. I wanted to find out if you’d be interested in learning more about the power and effects of essential oils. The response was overwhelmingly positive: over 95% replied YES, which made me really happy.

Pure essential oils are magical to me. I use them daily for all sorts of things and can’t imagine life without them at this point. They influence my thoughts, my actions, my wellbeing– and that of my family as well. My children know exactly which oil to use when they’re sad, sick, tense or tired. I have a huge selection and they can choose for themselves. They’re teenagers and have a solid grasp on these sorts of things at this point.

I use and work with dōTERRA’s essential oils. They’re completely pure, top quality, and work well for my body, mind and spirit. Everyone is different, every body vibrates at a unique frequency, so everyone has to find the oils or the company that works best for them. I can only write about or recommend that which has worked for me, for my family and friends. Some are the iPhone type, others swear by Samsung: to each his own.

My favorite essential oils for autumn

The days are getting shorter and the time has come to cozy up: we can draw on some wonderful oils to help soothe the soul this season. Fall and winter are wonderful times of year if we can tap into our lightness and joy. Getting enough exercise, fresh air, healthy food and keeping an eye on surrounding ourselves with positive vibes are great pillars. Essential oils can help dispel negative vibes in a jiffy and help us to cozy up. I use them in my diffuser, as a roll-on or diluted with a neutral oil directly on the skin.


Lavender oil is wonderful if we’re feeling insecure, unloved or stuck in some way. If we’re in a pattern of holding back our feelings because we’re afraid of expressing ourselves, or afraid of rejection. Lavender relaxes, and helps us to get in touch with our true feelings – supporting us in expressing these in order to clear up energetic blockages.


This oil has a wonderfully refreshing effect. Lemongrass clears out negative energies in your home or office, and supports us in releasing emotional, physical or spiritual baggage. Wonderful for those who want to let go of old, stagnant belief-systems or patterns and move forward.


I’m crazy about this oil  and have been mixing it with everything. It’s great with a grounding scent like patchouli or cedar wood, bringing so much clarity and supporting me in speaking my truth. Spearmint works to further clear communication with ourselves and with others. It supports us in recognizing our inner light and carrying that light into the world with confidence. Especially useful for those who suffer from any form of stage fright, or performance anxiety – it takes the fear away. I’ve had some amazing experiences with this oil, it’s wonderful!


Bergamot supports our self-acceptance and optimism. It’s helpful for those who tend to put themselves down or struggle with self-worth, inviting us to love ourselves and bringing hope into heart and soul.


Grapefruit teaches us to respect and love our own body, accepting it lovingly as it is. This oil helps to relax those who never feel good enough, bringing us back into our heart, away from hate and mistreatment.


This blend of oils is made up of Frankincense, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang, Labdanum, Amyris and Sandalwood. Console soothes all forms of emotional pain, no matter the source. It works to relax and to support us in our first steps toward inner healing.

Ylang Ylang

Ylang Ylang is a powerful oil, leading us back to our heart center, to a deep sense of joy, helping us to remain playful and connected to our inner child. It’s especially good for those who are chronically overworked, senselessly sad or stressed, and who want to reconnect with their own inner strength. Smells divine!

I could keep going endlessly, there are so many more oils that I’d love to write about – but more later. If you want to receive my newsletter specifically about essential oils, please sign up here. I send it out 1-2 times per month.

P.S. if you’re interested in trying out dōTERRA’s essential oils, here’s a detailed article about how to get started. Read about the best oils for supporting your meditation practice here.



© Maria Schiffer

Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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