
Why journaling is meditation

21. April 2017

I’ve been journaling again for the past few days. I used to be a dedicated diary-writer, but stopped at some point. Though I jot things down here and there every day, I’ve realized that keeping an actual journal is quite lovely. My daughter reminded me – she puts her thoughts down on paper every evening.

Thoughts – uncensored!

I keep my journal wild, jotting down the chaos in my head without punctuation, completely uncensored. Like the ‘morning pages’ that some of you might know from the book The Artist’s Way*. Only, I write when it feels right: morning, afternoon or evening. It’s incredibly freeing to write down all of the junk, and also the good things, that pile up throughout the day.

When I get annoyed, for whatever reason, I write all the details down in my little book and then look closely at what I’ve written. Are my feelings justified? How can I find a solution? I also really enjoy putting pen to paper, rather than typing – it’s a different sort of energy.

Journaling is a wonderful way to connect to my strength and to center myself. I’m learning so much about myself in the process. What makes me happy? What worries me? Where do I stand right now and how does that make me feel?

I get to know myself better, my fears, my weaknesses and my habits. Life is so incredibly complex. That’s why it’s good to declutter the mind on a daily basis. It’s a wonderful meditation technique that can be practiced anywhere at any time. Sharing my thoughts with myself, taking the time to confront myself with myself: priceless!

I bought the beautiful diary from Navucko.




*Amazon Affiliate Link

Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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