
Soulspiration // Why you should never skip Savasana

17. Oktober 2017

It happens more often than you’d think: at the end of class, just before Savasana someone sneaks out, rolling up their mat furtively and just taking off. Tip-toeing into the changing room, then shuffling things, dropping keys and rustling loudly as they stumble out the door of the Yoga studio.

What is the point of Savasana?

Some see it as an unwelcome addendum to a Yoga class and try time and again to skip out. The hips and the rest feel great after an hour plus of Yoga, so why waste those last minutes laying around when the work is done? STOP!

Corpse pose, or ‘Savasana’ in Sanskrit, is the total release and relaxation at the end of class, and may be the most important part of a Yoga session. And all Yoga teachers should make it perfectly clear that it’s not OK to skip out on this essential phase of class.

Savasana has a positive effect on our central nervous system which we overload daily with our constant availability, the raging influences over our overstimulating surroundings and the lack of quiet moments or time to withdraw in our daily lives. Everything we do is checked off of our endless to-do list, including our Yoga practice. No good, folks – that’s not how this works!

Yoga classes are designed to release tension from our bodies, to remove blockages in our energy flow, to bring equilibrium and strength into our body, our entire system. Yoga harmonizes our nervous system; our spine is mobilized and physical blockages are also released. We give ourselves time to slow down. And it feels so good.

If we then skip out on Savasana, our system can’t integrate the new information learned during class. It’s like a prospective Yoga teacher who invests all of her money into a teacher training in the Bahamas and leaves just before licensing exam. Makes no sense.

The body reverts to its former patterns – what a disaster.

How does Savasana work?

You should always cover up in Savasana – either with a woolen Yoga blanket or a light cloth that covers the entire body. This serves to keep the Prana (energy) in place and working in your body.

Depending on the length of the Yoga class, Savasana can be anywhere from 8-15 minutes long. If you practice at home, make sure to stay in Savasana for at least 8 minutes. (Not easy, I know.)

Important: surfacing from Savasana should happen gently and mindfully. Deepen your breathing, move fingers and toes, stretch a bit and then roll onto your side for a moment before gliding back into your day.

Consider leaving your phone off for a couple of hours after a Yoga class. Let the teachings resonate and synthesize.

To recap: No Savasana – No Yoga!



© Maria Schiffer

Savasana Decke: karmalove.eu

Madhavi Guemoes
Madhavi Guemoes dachte mit 15, dass sie das Leben vollständig verstanden habe, um 31 Jahre später zu erkennen, dass dies schier unmöglich ist. Sie arbeitet als freie Autorin, Aromatherapeutin, Podcasterin, Bloggerin und Kundalini Yogalehrerin weltweit und ist Mutter von zwei Kindern. Madhavi praktiziert seit mehr als 30 Jahren Yoga - was aber in Wirklichkeit nichts zu bedeuten hat.
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